We will conclude our series, that challenged us to process our experiences of the past 2 and half years of the Pandemic. This morning we will focus on memorializing the past in hopes of helping us move forward together as a community. We will be sharing a “funeral” meal of buns, cheese and meats immediately...
This Week in Worship: Gritty Grace for a Burned Out World September 25 @10:30am
Carolyn Klassen will be facilitating a morning where we can NAME our personal and collective experiences during the last few years of adaptation to the pandemic and its stresses on our lives. Carolyn Klassen’s gentle and engaging style draws in a crowd of world-weary listeners and refreshes their spirits. Her compassionate understanding of the human...
New Public Health Restrictions – Our Response – November 13, 2021
Guided by governmental public health orders, Seeds is requiring that all eligible children and adults (ages 12 and up) in attendance for indoor services be fully vaccinated. For a full rationale of this leadership decision check out this post. “A” Sunday services will continue to be live streamed on our YouTube Channel to allow all...
All is Well with T & D!!
We would like to let everyone know that Ted and Darlene are at home recuperating from the common cold! Just a year and a half ago we wouldn’t have thought a cold was a big deal, but today the fear is always there that it may be COVID-19. Ted & Dar were both tested for...
Seeds Pop-up Cell via Zoom on Sunday, May 9 @ 10:45 am
Due to the current public health restrictions we cannot meet in person for the Cell Sunday. If you want to join the pop-up cell this Sunday @ 10:45 am please use the following link. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87136884409?pwd=QzNyQXNDQUFwbWp4dkFpeWtXZFhWZz09 Meeting ID: 871 3688 4409Passcode: 257240
Join us for Zoom Worship on Sunday, May 2 @ 10:45 am…No in-person worship @ Seeds
Due to current public health restrictions in-person worship is no longer possible at Seeds Church. Please join us this Sunday, May 2 for Zoom worship @ 10:45 am. In order to join worship use the link below. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/84598557238?pwd=Qmc0eWRVTEFPM3orVkhqaWJJVWdZZz09 Meeting ID: 845 9855 7238Passcode: 277392 Questions? Email Joan at joanfunk0@gmail.com
Seeds in-person Pop up Cell on Sunday, April 25 @ 10:45 am
With the loosening of provincial public health restrictions we can once again open the doors of the eXchange and welcome you back to in-person services. We will continue with the Hybrid model of alternating Cell Sundays and Worship Sundays. You are welcome to attend the in-person Cell group this Sunday, April 25 @ 10:45 am...
Seeds in-person Worship Service on Sunday, March 21 @ 10:45 am.
With the loosening of provincial public health restrictions we can once again open the doors of the eXchange and welcome you back to in-person services. We will continue with the Hybrid model of alternating Cell Sundays and Worship Sundays. You are welcome to attend the in-person worship service this Sunday, March 21 @ 10:45 am...
Seeds Worship and Cells On Pause
The province has urged us to significantly decrease our contacts in the next number of weeks, so Seeds is pausing our Worship Sundays and Cell Sunday for the next 2 weeks. It is our hope that we can reevaluate this in the near future. Some things to keep in mind Please pray for our local...
Outside Sunday Worship Still On
Just a confirmation that we will meet outside today at 11am at 253 2nd Street NW. It is a little chilly so dress to be comfortable. Remember… Here is what you need to know in order to attend: Bring your own lawn chairs or blanket, snacks and coffee/tea, etc. You are welcome to bring your...