Seeds Church Fall Grab & Run – Nov. 3 & 4

Seeds Church Fall Grab & Run – Nov. 3 & 4

Fall Grab & Run – Friday, Nov. 3, 3-5 pm & Saturday, Nov. 4 10-11am. Free hotdogs & drinks. Invite neighbours, family & friends who could benefit from free clothing and household items. Please bring your gently used Fall & Winter clothing and small household items to the eXchange by Wed., Nov. 1 and place in the coat room marked for Grab & Run.

Wed., Nov. 1 (times to be announced) to help with set up
Fri, Nov. 3, 3-5pm – Grab & Run Event – we need help with refolding clothes, organizing tables, welcoming people
Sat, Nov. 4, 10:30-11:30am — Grab & Run last day – need help with cleanup of tables and vacuuming
We know that this is a busy time of year and people have lots on their plates. If you can come for any of these times, it would be greatly appreciated.

If you are interested in helping out please contact Ruth Bergman by phone 204-324-6940 or email