The scriptures for this week are taken from the Lectionary. For more information and scripture study help visit or Daily Scripture for Today: Hebrews 7:23-28 There are many ways to engage with scripture…here are 2 of them! 1. Use the Divine Reading (Lectio Divina) method of Praying the Scriptures. Listen while you read it slowly. Meditate on...
Daily Scripture – October 30, 2015
The scriptures for this week are taken from the Lectionary. For more information and scripture study help visit or Daily Scripture for Today: Mark 12:28-34 There are many ways to engage with scripture…here are 2 of them! 1. Use the Divine Reading (Lectio Divina) method of Praying the Scriptures. Listen while you read it slowly. Meditate on...
In Our Community
MCI Soup & Pie – Friday, Oct. 30. Soup & Pie begins 5 pm. For those who are interested the Annual General Meeting begins at 6 pm followed by Fall Concert at 7 pm. Admission by donation. All are welcome. Camps with Meaning Fundraising Banquet – Saturday, Oct. 31 at Emmanuel Mennonite Church in Winkler. For...
Shoal Lake 40 Freedom Road – Message from Steve Bell
Dear Supporter of Shoal Lake 40 Freedom Road, You might know that I have been an organizing member which is an affiliation of churches willing to demonstrate public support for the building of a 17 mile road from Shoal Lake 40 First Nation to the Trans-Canada Highway, thus ending their 100 year enforced isolation and...
Camp Roots – November Food Drive
Camp Roots is hosting a food drive for the Altona and Area Food Bank in November. We welcome donations of non-perishable food items from the whole Seeds Community. There will be collection bins set up in the foyer. At the end of the month, all food items will be delivered to the local food bank....
Don’t forget…time change this weekend!
Remember to move your clocks back 1 hour Saturday night!
Youth at Seeds – Sunday, Nov. 1
Youth @ Seeds (Gr. 9-12) – Sunday, Nov. 1, 7-9pm @ the eXchange. Topic for the night: Fostering Relationship with Self. Snack is provided. Let me or Heidi know if you’ll be able to attend! Contact Kendall by email or call 204-332-0302 or Heidi by email or call 204-304-9034.
Centering Prayer – October 31, 10:30 am
You are invited to Centering Prayer on Saturday, Oct. 31, 10:30 am in the Prayer Room @ the eXchange. All are welcome! Please let Andy know if you are coming…Andy Reimer 204-327-6485 or email
Worship @ Seeds on Sunday, Nov. 1 @ 10:45 am
Join us for worship this Sunday, Nov. 1 @ 10:45 am for Table Life: Fostering a relationship with Others. You will have an opportunity to gather around ‘the table’ and participate in Communion. Childcare is provided during the Sunday morning worship service upstairs for ages 1-5 and are dismissed during the worship singing. Children under age 1...
Daily Scripture – October 29, 2015
The scriptures for this week are taken from the Lectionary. For more information and scripture study help visit or Daily Scripture for Today: Psalm 146 There are many ways to engage with scripture…here are 2 of them! 1. Use the Divine Reading (Lectio Divina) method of Praying the Scriptures. Listen while you read it slowly. Meditate on...