Dear Supporter of Shoal Lake 40 Freedom Road,
You might know that I have been an organizing member which is an affiliation of churches willing to demonstrate public support for the building of a 17 mile road from Shoal Lake 40 First Nation to the Trans-Canada Highway, thus ending their 100 year enforced isolation and making it possible for them to build a water treatment plant to end an 18 year boil-water advisory.
The building of the road needs the joint co-operation of three levels of government (Federal, Provincial and Civic). It seems apparent that the Federal and Provincial Governments are preparing to have either funds or bankable commitments ready for when the road’s detailed design is complete in January, but the City of Winnipeg has yet to show initiative to commit in deed and in time.
At the request of City Councillors, we’ve set up a new petition to apply “polite pressure” on the City to move forward on their previous commitment, and we’re asking everyone to get their congregations to sign on, demonstrating strong public will to end what has been a century-long nightmare for our neighbours at Shoal Lake 40. This is not an acrimonious petition, rather a simple demonstration of support for fair relations between Winnipeg and Shoal Lake 40 First Nation.
This is a critical week. I’ve written a blog highlighting the situation status and why there is present urgency for folks to sign the petition before Fridaymorning.
Blog: Lessons From Bono and George Bush re: Shoal Lake 40 Freedom Road
To sign the petition visit:
Please read the blog and consider if you might sign the petition. We welcome signers from both residents and non-residents of Winnipeg. If you have social networks you can share this with we’d be delighted as well.
If you have further questions please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page we’ve set up on our Churches For Freedom Road website. Visit: Freedom Road / Frequently Asked Questions…
Thank you so much for attending to this. This is our chance to join in a long history of Christ’s Church rising up to champion the marginalized and oppressed, as mandated in Micah 6:8. Indeed, we are the hands and feet of God who has said:
When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst, I the LORD will hear them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them. —Isaiah 41.17
Steve Bell
singer/songwriter, Wpg.