Theme for January is reMOVE. Scriptures for this week will help prepare you for Sunday, Feb. 2…reMOVE: Uncovering Beauty & Worth! Daily Scripture for Today is Psalm 139:13-24. There are many ways to engage with scripture…here are 2 of them! 1. Use the Divine Reading (Lectio Divina) method of Praying the Scriptures. Listen while you...
Let’s Pray for…
Seeds has a prayer team ready to pray for you. Contact Candice Letkeman ph. 204-324-1820 or email .
Seeds SOAR Heartland Team
Seeds Missional Opps team is inviting those who are interested in participating in a Seeds SOAR Heartland team during Spring Break (Mar. 27-Apr. 5) to let them know of your interest ASAP so we can have our team established as soon as possible. Some of you are thinking/praying about joining and it would be great to be able to...
MCC Plum Coulee Service Opportunity
Seeds MOVE opportunity – Thursday, Feb. 13, 6:30 pm –The missional Opps group has arranged an opportunity for our church community to volunteer at the Plum Coulee MCC warehouse. All ages are welcome…there will be something to do for everyone. Meet at Seeds at 6:30 and we'll carpool to Plum Coulee…we will work 7-9 pm. If interested, you...
In our community…
CMU Fundraising Dessert Night – Friday, Feb. 7, 7 pm at Emmanuel Mennonite Church in Winkler. Winkler Bible Camp – Valentine's Banquets Feb. 14, 15 & 16 at 6:30 pm. Enjoy a romantic meal and a drama 'Love's Old Sweet Song'. Freewill offering. For reservations Ph. 204-325-9519. YFC Altona Dessert Fundraiser – Tuesday, March 4, 7...
Seeds Leadership Summit
Seeds invites you to attend their own free Leadership Summit at the eXchange on Friday, Feb. 28, 7 pm and Saturday, Mar. 1, 9 am – 2:30 pm. Be inspired by speakers from all walks of life as we replay highlights of the 2013 Leadership Summit! Saturday coffee break & lunch is provided by Seeds SOAR Heartland...
Worship Feb. 2, 2014
Theme for January & Feb. 2 is reMOVE! Join us this Sunday, Feb. 2, 2014, 10:45 am for worship. reMOVE: Uncovering Beauty & Worthy Childcare is provided upstairs for ages 2-5 once Camp Roots (K-Gr. 5) is dismissed during the worship service. Children under age 2 are welcome if accompanied by an adult. Want to catch up...
Daily Scripture – Jan. 30, 2014
Theme for January is reMOVE. Scriptures for this week will help prepare you for Sunday, Feb. 2…reMOVE: Uncovering Beauty & Worth! Daily Scripture for Today is Psalm 139:7-12. There are many ways to engage with scripture…here are 2 of them! 1. Use the Divine Reading (Lectio Divina) method of Praying the Scriptures. Listen while you...
Daily Scripture – Jan. 28, 2014
Theme for January is reMOVE. Scriptures for this week will help prepare you for Sunday, Feb. 2…reMOVE: Uncovering Beauty & Worth! Daily Scripture for Today is 2 Corinthians 3:12-18. There are many ways to engage with scripture…here are 2 of them! 1. Use the Divine Reading (Lectio Divina) method of Praying the Scriptures. Listen while...
Daily Scripture – Jan. 27, 2014
Theme for January is reMOVE. Scriptures for this week will help prepare you for Sunday, Feb. 2…reMOVE: Uncovering Beauty & Worth! Daily Scripture for Today is 2 Corinthians 4:5-12. There are many ways to engage with scripture…here are 2 of them! 1. Use the Divine Reading (Lectio Divina) method of Praying the Scriptures. Listen while...