Camps with Meaning online registration is open! This is our ministry together as Mennonite Church Manitoba. Please visit to register for summer camp. We want all families to afford camp. Note our new Campership Fund, which assists families at a much higher level than before.
Job Opening: Mennonite Church Canada (Wpg. office) invites applications for the position of Executive Assistant to the Executive Director. See for details. Applications are open now and will be considered until a suitable candidate is found. The start date will be arranged with the suitable candidate, as soon as possible.
Indigenous-Settler Relations – Feb 7, Bill C-262 – the Indigenous Human Rights Act – will be voted on. If passed, the Bill will move on to a Parliamentary Committee for further discussion. We must keep the pressure on and make sure the Government of Canada votes in support of Bill C-262. Individuals and congregations can support by emailing your respective Member of Parliament to encourage them to stand up for justice by championing Bill C-262. Please cc Minister of Justice Jody Wilson-Raybould as she is responsible for this file.