Mennonite Church MB & Canada Update

Mennonite Church MB & Canada Update

Mennonite Church MB Announcements

Camps with Meaning Summer Leadership applications are due January 19, 2018. Applications and job descriptions are on the website for you or a young adult you think should apply. Please visit to learn more about this unique summer ministry owned by your church.

Camp Assiniboia is in need of a volunteer nurse for the upcoming ADV Winter Retreat, February 21-23, 2018. If you or someone you know might be able to help, please contact the Camps with Meaning office at 204-895-2267 or

Mennonite Church Canada

MC Canada Indigenous-Settler Relations – NAIITS is an Indigenous Learning Community that hosts annual theological gatherings intended for young and older, pastors and activists. Mennonite Church Canada’s Indigenous-Settler Relations would like to help sponsor a group of women and men from across our nationwide church to attend this year’s symposium on “White Supremacy and Indigeneity,” June 7-9, 2018 @ Acadia Divinity College (Nova Scotia). Sponsorships will help cover the cost of registration and food. If you are interested, please email Steve Heinrichs for details (