Mennonite Church MB & Canada Update

Mennonite Church MB & Canada Update

Camps with Meaning Summer Leadership applications are due January 19, 2018. Applications and job descriptions are on the website for you or a young adult you think should apply. Please visit to learn more about this unique summer ministry owned by your church.

Will you let me be your servant? A Public Lecture on Mennonite responses to Money
Mennonites have gained a popular image as those who can do ‘more with less’ and have developed a taste for simplicity. However, Mennonites have also forged large and successful businesses with personal and financial ethics flowing from them. Dr. Janis Thiessen will offer snapshots of Mennonite engagements in business, economics, and ethics from which we can discuss what Mennonite faith and life has and can say about wealth today.
Janis Thiessen is Associate Professor of History at the University of Winnipeg. Janis has specialized in the area of Mennonite labour practices and economics reflected in her publications, Manufacturing Mennonites: Work and Religion in Post-War Manitoba (2013), Not Talking Union: An Oral History of North American Mennonites and Labour (2016).
The lecture will take place in the multi-purpose Room (3rd floor) of First Mennonite Church (922 Notre Dame Ave) Wednesday, January 31 from 7:00-8:30pm.

Story and Song Circle @ Home Street Mennonite Church: Participatory story tellers and singer song writers are invited to bring their original short stories and songs to a gathering of artistically inclined writers and musician/singers to share around a circle for peer-led improvement. Join in on the last Sunday of the month, 7 pm, at Home Street MC, 318 Home St. For more details contact Dan Dyck via