MCC Update

MCC Update

Workshop: Compassion starts with understanding – Join MCC Manitoba staff facilitators to explore a deeper understanding of the history and current realities of colonization. This free workshop will be hosted at Emmanuel Mennonite Church in Winkler on October 28, 9 am to 4 pm. For more information visit and register by October 21.

Sister Walk – Women are invited to join us on Nov 18 for a journey towards healing. While learning to care for women who have experienced abuse, participants will also be equipped to care for themselves. For more information, contact Jaymie Friesen at or 204-925-1917. Register online at

In Focus: This was a record-breaking year for Grow Hope in Manitoba – thanks to a prolific harvest and so many of you who partnered with us!  Be inspired by what your acre achieved and read about what’s motivating Grow Hope farmers.