1st Advent Sunday, Dec. 3 – The theme this Advent is ‘Waiting’…this Sunday we focus on ‘Waiting in Silence’.
The worship centre will be open 8am-12noon with a variety of options for you. When you arrive, help yourself to coffee, tea or hot chocolate and connect with others in the cafe and gathering area. When you’re ready, you can enter the worship center to walk a prayer labyrinth, to light a candle, to have communion, to draw, to journal, or to read a scripture text and reflect on a few questions. You may choose to participate in any or all of these options. All options will be self guided with no right or wrong way to participate.
What is a Labyrinth? A labyrinth is a prayer walk, symbolizing a desire to walk to the center…to our center, and to God’s center. To walk the labyrinth is to intentionally dial down all the other voices that cry for our attention in this season, and to simply clear a space where we just put one foot in front of the other with an intention to find rest in the center of God’s heart. You can walk the labyrinth with a friend, with a child, or on your own.
One of the things that is unique about Seeds is that we trust that there is permission to experiment—to not be confined to always doing things the way we have done them, and although that may “rattle” us a bit, we trust there are good surprises in store so please come.
There is NO CHILDCARE provided for this Sunday. The worship experiences in the worship centre are open to all ages keeping in mind that in order to maintain the worshipful atmosphere we would appreciate the ‘little ones’ be accompanied by an adult.