Sharing the Warmth is an opportunity to gather outdoor winter gear so we can all stay warm this winter. Please bring your gently used items to The Community Exchange, 116 Main Street Altona, on this upcoming Saturday, November 5th from 10:00-Noon. Or Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00-1:00. Gently used coats, ski pants, boots, toques, mitts and...
ACAN (Altona Community Action Network) **Updated Information**
In Altona, as some of you may know, there is a working group called ACAN- Altona Community Action Network, which looks to green our area and bring environmental and climate issues to our minds. The ACAN group is planning a family friendly, COVID aware walking tour for the weeks of Sept 27- Oct 11. The...
Meal Train for the Joe & Rachel Friesen family
Congratulations to Joe & Rachel Friesen on the birth of their twins on Monday, March 16… Son Grayson Luke, 6.9 lbs was born at 6:51 pm and daughter Bree Olivia, 6.1 lbs was born at 6:54 pm. To help ease the transition of these new arrivals into this family please consider bringing a meal. You can...
No Worship Services at Seeds this Easter weekend!
At Seeds we want to encourage our church community to practice recommended strategies for limiting the spread of COVID19, especially to limit its impact on people who are most vulnerable. For the latest information regarding best practices for dealing with this situation, we recommend this Manitoba government website. For a self-screening tool to determine whether...
No Worship Service at Seeds this Palm Sunday, April 5
At Seeds we want to encourage our church community to practice recommended strategies for limiting the spread of COVID19, especially to limit its impact on people who are most vulnerable. For the latest information regarding best practices for dealing with this situation, we recommend this Manitoba government website. For a self-screening tool to determine whether...
“Introducing Iris to the world” Connecting with our Seeds Community
[cmsmasters_row data_width=”boxed” data_padding_left=”3″ data_padding_right=”3″ data_top_style=”default” data_bot_style=”default” data_color=”default” data_bg_position=”top center” data_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” data_bg_attachment=”scroll” data_bg_size=”cover” data_bg_parallax_ratio=”0.5″ data_padding_top=”0″ data_padding_bottom=”50″][cmsmasters_column data_width=”1/1″][cmsmasters_text animation_delay=”0″] It is hard for us to meet as a community, so Seeds community members are sharing glimpses and reflections by video. Today we get to hear from Ashley Wiens. Ashley and Lyle are excited to share their newborn...
No Worship Service at Seeds this Sunday, March 29
At Seeds we want to encourage our church community to practice recommended strategies for limiting the spread of COVID19, especially to limit its impact on people who are most vulnerable. For the latest information regarding best practices for dealing with this situation, we recommend this Manitoba government website. For a self-screening tool to determine whether...
No Worship Service at Seeds this Sunday, March 22
At Seeds we want to encourage our church community to practice recommended strategies for limiting the spread of COVID19, especially to limit its impact on people who are most vulnerable. For the latest information regarding best practices for dealing with this situation, we recommend this Manitoba government website. For a self-screening tool to determine whether...
Theatre of the Beat presents ‘Selah’s Song’ on April 18 is CANCELLED
Due to the COVID-19 recommendations this presentation of ‘Selah’s Song’ is CANCELLED. Selah’s Song is an original, heartwarming musical written by Johnny Wideman with music by Bryan Moyer Suderman. This musical tells the story of a young girl whose courage inspired a village, and who song became an anthem for peace. Theatre of the Beat...
Important Update – No Worship Services until further notice
At Seeds we want to encourage our church community to practice recommended strategies for limiting the spread of COVID19, especially to limit its impact on people who are most vulnerable. For the latest information regarding best practices for dealing with this situation, we recommend this Manitoba government website. One of the recommendations is to avoid...