Camp Moose Lake closing service video and pictures – Close to 180 people came to say good-bye to Camp Moose Lake this past weekend. It was as good as a hard day can be. There is a photo gallery of the event, and a historical slideshow video here:
Camp Assiniboia Square Dance and Pie Spectacular Fundraiser. Sept 30, 6:30-9:00pm in the barn at Camp Assiniboia. No dancing skills required. Bring your family and extra toonies for the pie walk… If you can make or donate a pie, please contact Jesse at 204-895-2267. Check for more info.
Camp Koinonia is currently seeking volunteer camp caretakers. Looking for a couple to live at Camp Koinonia from November thru May. Duties could include snow removal, cooking, cleaning and general maintenance of facilities. Some employment opportunities are also available. Housing and some meals are included. For more information please contact Matthew Heide at 204-534-8268 or email
Camps with Meaning Annual Fundraising Celebration Banquets – Sat, Nov 4, 5:30 p.m. at Emmanuel Mennonite Church in Winkler and Sunday, Nov 5, 5:30 p.m. at Douglas Mennonite Church in Winnipeg. We invite you to attend as a participant, host or sponsor of a table. For reservations call the camp office at (204) 895-2267 or email Participants will be invited to share in a free will offering.