Boomerang Bags Altona – This year we will be holding sewing bees on the 4th Wednesday of each month with the exception of Oct 24 which is a Tuesday. On the 24th we’ll meet in the Miller Home Ec. room from 7-9. Other dates are Nov. 22, Jan. 24 and Feb. 28. There’s a job for any skill level – ironing, cutting, screen printing, sewing…
It will be a great time of chatting, drinking coffee/tea, and preparing the materials that will one day be a fleet of reusable bags for Altona & surrounding communities.
Want more info on Boomerang bags? Check out the following links:
Boomerang Bags Altona has a goal of making 1000 + reusable bags for the Altona community to use. If you, your class, or club, want to get involved but cannot make it to the bee, contact us on Facebook and we would love to set something up with you.
Please like us on Facebook Boomerang Bags Altona for all the latest information about this Altona community project.