Mennonite Church Canada Update

Mennonite Church Canada Update

The Mennonite Church Canada Special Assembly, Oct. 13-15 – marked a historic turning point for Mennonite Church Canada, Regional Churches, and our congregations across the country. Delegates charted a new course for Mennonite Church Canada with a 94% approval of the Covenant New restructuring proposal. The new structure revisions Mennonite Church Canada as the covenant partnership created by the five nationwide Regional Churches. Working together, Regional Churches have been mandated to foster the health and vitality of local congregations, who are engaged in mission in their immediate neighbourhoods and around the world. While delegates celebrated a structure that has served them well in the past and grieved its passing, they also embraced the vision of a vibrant, nationwide Mennonite Church that is actively engaging our world. To learn more, visit

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has called Canada to adopt and implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Bill C-262 is a private member’s bill supported by hundreds of Indigenous communities, faith groups, and social justice organizations that can help make that happen.  Bill C-262 will be up for debate in late November and we need your help! We are encouraging everyone to write a postcard to the Minister of Justice Jody Wilson-Raybould alongside your local MP in support of Bill C-262. You can pick up a free batch of 75 postcards here along with suggested messages and tips for pulling off a postcard ‘party’