Week 2 of the “new normal” and “you still can’t cancel church.” Take some time to watch this message from Co-Lead Pastors Darlene and Ted Enns-Dyck to hear what’s new this week.
1. We are looking for people who are willing to share videos of how they are getting through the Covid19 Pandemic of 2020. If you have something get in contact with us at ted@seedschurch.ca or darlene@seedschurch.ca and we can figure out how to get your content to us, and we can share it with the whole community.
2. The labyrinth has been set up in the eXchange and it is available for walking. Please drop us a line if you need to be let in and continue to practice good social distancing etiquette while you are there.
3. Look for a Sunday reflection video to be available on Sunday morning.
4. Check out the new Living Lightly Podcast that has just been started and continue the conversation that we began before the Coronavirus shut us down. More episodes to come in the near future.
March 27, 2020″You Can’t Cancel Church” – Video Message from Seeds Church on Vimeo.