Family Connections would like to make available Lenten At Home options for families this upcoming lenten season. *Please note that families are responsible for gathering their own supplies for each week.* The Lenten Wreath supplies were available throughout February, however there are still a few supplies left if anyone would like to make one. Weekly...
This Sunday: Beloved – First Sunday of Lent
We will meet for a morning of worship at 10:30am at The Community Exchange. The theme for the next few weeks is Jesus Ethos: Searching for the Ethos of Jesus – When we think about the Christian faith it is easy to reduce it to a set of beliefs and behaviors that determine the “good...
Lenten at Home
Family Connections would like to make available Lenten At Home options for families this upcoming lenten season. Leftover supplies for Lenten wreaths will be out in the foyer throughout February, if families want to make one for their home. *Please note that families are responsible for gathering their own supplies for each week. Only the...
This Sunday: Blessed Are Those Who Hope Still
Join us for in person worship this Sunday at 10:30am as we celebrate Easter Sunday and the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus It’s that time of year, so if you find yourself with cold, or flu like symptoms, take care of yourself and join us via our LiveStream.
This Sunday: Blessed Are The Rejected
Join us for in person worship this Sunday at 10:30am as we celebrate Palm Sunday. It’s that time of year, so if you find yourself with cold, or flu like symptoms, take care of yourself and join us via our LiveStream.
This Sunday: Blessed Are Those Who Feel Alone
Join us for in person worship this Sunday at 10:30am as we continue Lent (preparation for Easter). It’s that time of year, so if you find yourself with cold, or flu like symptoms, take care of yourself and join us via our LiveStream.
This Sunday: Blessed are the Curious
Join us for in person worship this Sunday at 10:30am as we continue Lent (preparation for Easter). It’s that time of year, so if you find yourself with cold, or flu like symptoms, take care of yourself and join us via our LiveStream.
This Sunday: Blessed are the Imperfect
Join us for in person worship this Sunday at 10:30am as we begin Lent (preparation for Easter). It’s that time of year, so if you find yourself with cold, or flu like symptoms, take care of yourself and join us via our LiveStream.
Pancake Tuesday – February 21st
Pancake Tuesday (traditionally called Shrove Tuesday), is a day to feast before the beginning of Lent, which begins the next day, on Ash Wednesday. Historically, it would be a natural way to get rid of the excesses of food and prepare for a season of fasting and reflection. We will be organizing Pancake Tuesday for...
***Maundy Thursday Faspa Supper Is Cancelled***
Due to the Spring storm we are experiencing, tomorrow’s Maundy Thursday Faspa Supper (April 14th) at Seeds has been cancelled. People are still invited to participate in an AT HOME Maundy Thursday service found in their Lent in a Box. Please feel free to use the attached Maundy Thursday and Good Friday rituals.