Easter Sunday Egg Hunt & Dance Party – Meet upstairs in the Theatre Room at 9:30am Followed by Breakfast Potluck @ 10am (See announcement in Seeds Update for more details)
Category: <span>Lent/Easter</span>
This Sunday: Blessed Are Those Who Hope Still
Join us for in person worship this Sunday at 10:30am as we celebrate Easter Sunday and the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus It’s that time of year, so if you find yourself with cold, or flu like symptoms, take care of yourself and join us via our LiveStream.
Child Learning Centers – Easter Week Activities
Here are a few activities to take note of for Child Learning Centers this upcoming week: Maundy Thursday Potluck Supper – Family friendly, Starting at 6pm Pick-up your Lent Symbol & Good Friday Take-Home Activity Good Friday Take Home Activity – Make a labyrinth at home and engage in the story of Jesus’ Death as...
Easter Sunday Breakfast Potluck
Join us for Easter Sunday Breakfast potluck at 10am on April 9th. Please bring baked items, cheese or fruit platters, ready to serve for the potluck table. Worship service to follow at 10:30am.
Special Palm Sunday Learning Centers – This Sunday
This Sunday, April 2nd, is Palm Sunday – Here are a few things to take note of for Child Learning Centers this week, as well as child involvement in the service. Pop-up Kids Choir Rehearsal – Music Learning Center from 9:30-10:15am in the Active Room upstairs – There will be no other learning centers operating...
Maundy Thursday Potluck Supper
Everyone is invited to a Maundy Thursday supper on April 6 at 6pm, for a potluck faspa. Please bring some of the following to add to the potluck faspa table… buns, cold cuts, cheese, pickles. Condiments and dessert will be provided. What is faspa? Check out this link… https://www.goesselmuseum.com/what-is-faspa- What is Maundy Thursday? Maundy Thursday is...
This Sunday: Blessed Are Those Who Feel Alone
Join us for in person worship this Sunday at 10:30am as we continue Lent (preparation for Easter). It’s that time of year, so if you find yourself with cold, or flu like symptoms, take care of yourself and join us via our LiveStream.
This Sunday: Blessed are the Curious
Join us for in person worship this Sunday at 10:30am as we continue Lent (preparation for Easter). It’s that time of year, so if you find yourself with cold, or flu like symptoms, take care of yourself and join us via our LiveStream.
This Sunday: Blessed are the Imperfect
Join us for in person worship this Sunday at 10:30am as we begin Lent (preparation for Easter). It’s that time of year, so if you find yourself with cold, or flu like symptoms, take care of yourself and join us via our LiveStream.
No Worship Services at Seeds this Sunday
No Worship at Seeds this Sunday May 22, 2022. Join us for Worship on May 29th where Gary Klassen will be speaking! Have a relaxing May long weekend!