Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

Did you know? Seeds Church is part of MCM (Mennonite Church Manitoba) so if you call Seeds your home, you can receive the Canadian Mennonite, a bi-weekly periodical, free of charge. You can receive a paper or digital copy. Please email [email protected] ASAP if you’re interested.

Delegates to the 2017 Special Assembly in Winnipeg charted a new course for Mennonite Church Canada with a 94% approval of the Covenant New restructuring proposal. The new structure revisions MC Canada as the covenant partnership created by the five nationwide Regional Churches (Mennonite Church Manitoba being one of them). Working together, Regional Churches have been mandated to foster the health and vitality of local congregations, who are engaged in mission in their immediate neighbourhoods and around the world. While delegates celebrated a structure that has served them well in the past and grieved its passing, they also embraced the vision of a vibrant, nationwide Mennonite Church that is actively engaging our world with the peace of Jesus Christ. A one issue news sheet, recordings of the streamed video, and other materials can be found via