Please join us for Worship services in Ted & Dar’s backyard (253 2nd St. NW) EVERY SUNDAY MORNING @ 11 am except for Sept 6. You no longer need to notify Ted & Dar before attending but please read important details below before coming. If weather is unfavourable the worship service will be at the...
Daily Scripture – August 30, 2020
Please join us for Worship services in Ted & Dar’s backyard (253 2nd St. NW) EVERY SUNDAY MORNING @ 11 am except for Sept 6. You no longer need to notify Ted & Dar before attending but please read important details below before coming. If weather is unfavourable the worship service will be at the...
Daily Scripture – August 29, 2020
Please join us for Worship services in Ted & Dar’s backyard (253 2nd St. NW) EVERY SUNDAY MORNING @ 11 am except for Sept 6. You no longer need to notify Ted & Dar before attending but please read important details below before coming. If weather is unfavourable the worship service will be at the...
Daily Scripture – August 28, 2020
Please join us for Worship services in Ted & Dar’s backyard (253 2nd St. NW) EVERY SUNDAY MORNING @ 11 am except for Sept 6. You no longer need to notify Ted & Dar before attending but please read important details below before coming. If weather is unfavourable the worship service will be at the...
Camps with Meaning update
Camps with Meaning summer update – Thankful This was a summer full of change and opportunity for Camps with Meaning!We held 5 one-day Pop-up camps in July, with a total of 78 campers attending. These took place at Grace MC in Steinbach, Morden MC, Camp Koinonia, Douglas MC and Bethel MC. Our leadership and senior...
Mennonite Church Manitoba Update
Mennonite Church Canada online worship services conclude Sept 6. Join Foothills Mennonite Church this Sunday, August 30, and Morden Mennonite Church on September 6.All the services since March 22, when this began are available on the Mennonite Church Canada webpage: REGISTRATION OPEN: Table Talk: Does the Church have Legs? October 24, our nationwide community of...
MCC Update
Thank you to all of those who donated to the Lebanon Crisis. As of August 24, MCC across Canada has raised over $250,000 to be matched by the Canadian government. Relief efforts will focus on emergency food and hygiene supplies. Donations can still be made at Join us for a Pastoral Care and Domestic Abuse workshop in Morden...
In Our Community
Gardens on Tenth Drive-by Soup Fundraiser – Thursday, Oct. 8, 5-7 pm. Please check the poster pdf for more details. Blood Donor Clinic – Thursday, Sept. 10, 3-7 pm at Rhineland Pioneer Cr. Please call 1-888-236-6238 for an appointment. No walk ins please.
Seeds Worship for the Fall
You are probably wondering about worship services for the Fall. Ted & Dar, along with the leadership teams are hard at work trying to discern what the best way forward is. Details will be coming soon but in the meantime please pray for wisdom in putting all the details in place to help us come...
CANCELED – Backyard Worship @ Seeds
Service is CANCELED TODAY due to the illness of the leaders. In our Covid19 times, we want to make sure everyone is safe and we will be taking symptoms of Covid19 very seriously. Sorry for the inconvenience. Join us for Worship in Ted & Dar’s backyard (253 2nd St. NW) SUNDAY MORNING @ 11 am....