Youth @ Seeds – is in partnership with the youth programs at Altona Bergthaler Church (ABC).
Sr. Youth (Gr. 9-12) – Tuesdays @ 7 pm
Jr. Youth (Gr. 7&8) – Wednesdays @ 7 pm
For more info please email and specify whether you’re inquiring about Jr. or Sr. Youth. Your email address will be added to a weekly update list. You can also stay informed by joining Facebook pages for Jr. Youth and Sr. Youth.
Annual Community Youth Food Drive – Wed, Oct 3, 6-8:30 pm. Jr. & Sr. Youth will meet at the ABD at 7pm and participating in the town-wide food drive. Instructions on what to do will be given on Wednesday. Youth should be picked up at 9pm at Youth for Christ. We will be outside, so please dress appropriately. PARENTS, we need your help. If you can help drive for a little over an hour that would be great… actually it would be better than great as we can’t do this without you. Please let me know if you are available to help at the Youth For Christ Building after the food collection is done. Please have your donations ready for this evening…please no items past expiry.
Rhineland Area Food Bank Most Wanted List – Kraft Dinner, canned veggies, canned meat & fish, canned fruit, pasta, pasta sauce, cereals, peanut butter, rice