Youth at Seeds – Progressive supper Sat, Dec. 12, 5 pm

Youth @ Seeds (Gr. 9-12) – Progressive Supper Sat, Dec. 12, meet at the exchange at 5 pm. Please let Kendall or Heidi know if you plan to attend.

Seeds Youth has been asked to provide the following items for some of the teenagers in the Syrian families that are coming to Altona…for 4 girls age 14, 15, 17, & 19 and for 4 boys age 14, 15, 16, & 16…by Dec. 19. List of items needed: hats, mitts, socks, school supplies, deodorant, brush/hair stuff and maybe some candy. What else you can think of?

Contact Kendall by email or call 204-332-0302 or Heidi by email or call 204-304-9034.