Join us this Sunday, June 26 @ 10:45 am for Worship. We will hear Part 2 in the Andy Stanley series ‘Christian’.
The words used to describe Christians today often bear no resemblance to the one word Jesus wanted his followers to be known for. What would it look like if, for one day, we got it right? What if we as Christians embodied this one word? What if our behavior was so consistent with this word that folks around us were drawn to us – and to God. In this message, Andy challenges us to change the name and reputation of Christianity by becoming a group of followers characterized by this one thing.
If you missed Part 1 you can view it on the following link:
Childcare (ages 2-5) is provided during the Sunday morning worship service upstairs and are dismissed during the worship singing. Children under age 2 are welcome if accompanied by an adult.
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