Healing Haunted Histories books will be available for pickup in the Gathering Area this Sunday. If you have signed up for the course, come by and pick one up! If you are still wanting to sign up, please do so ASAP by emailing kayla@seedschurch.ca so we know how many books we may still need! Books can also be picked up during the week at TCE.
The books have been purchased by Seeds for $35 a piece. Your cost is by donation and whatever is affordable.
Course Information:
Healing Haunted Histories: Doing the work of Settler-Indigenous Reconciliation
In our Seeds welcome statement we say that “we acknowledge our gathering on Treaty 1 land and our commitment to move towards reconciled relationships and peacemaking with our Indigenous neighbours.” The big questions are around HOW we do that work; how we embody it in our life.
On October 15th, we will begin a 5 week interactive “cell group” that will explore the intersections between our personal family histories and the history of Indigenous people in our region; reckon with harms and responsibilities so we can take action that moves us toward reconciliation with our Indigenous neighbours.
We are asking people to commit to that 5 week period in order to really get the most out of being a group together and commiting to a process. If you are interested please email Kayla at kayla@seedschurch.ca