Sunday Classes @ Seeds ‘Coming Together Through Truth & Reconciliation’

Sunday Classes @ Seeds ‘Coming Together Through Truth & Reconciliation’

Coming Together Through Truth & Reconciliation – Sunday Morning Class continues this Sunday, April 15, 9:30-10:30 am until May 7 upstairs @ the eXchange. These classes are open to the public.

April 15: Our treaties – we are all treaty people (Andy to facilitate with Kerry Saner-Harvey)

April 22: Our Land – the Mennonite settler legacy revisited (Donovan to facilitate with Susie Fisher)

April 22 @ 6:30 pm – Blanket activity 

April 29: Our schools – the legacy of residential schools (Jonathan to facilitate with Josie Hartin from Roseau who will share her mom’s residential school story)

May 6: Our relationships – how do we make Jesus real in a settler/colonial reality (Donovan to facilitate– Reserve 107 Video)