Seeds Events Calendar

Seeds Events Calendar

Sunday, April 15 – Seeds Mortgage Burning Celebration – Worship Service @ 10:45 am with Lunch to follow…catered by the Hamam Family.  Everyone welcome!

Coming Together Through Truth & Reconciliation – Sunday Morning Classes, April 8, 15, 22, 29 May 7 upstairs @ the eXchange. These classes are open to the public.

April 8: Our words/perspectives – Indian vs Metis vs inuit vs indigenous  . . . (Jonathan and Andy)

April 15: Our treaties – we are all treaty people (Andy to facilitate with Kerry Saner-Harvey)

April 22: Our Land – the Mennonite settler legacy revisited (Donovan to facilitate with Susie Fisher)

April 29: Our schools – the legacy of residential schools (Jonathan to facilitate with Josie Hartin from Roseau who will share her mom’s residential school story)

April 29 @ 6:30 pm – Blanket activity 

May 6: Our relationships – how do we make Jesus real in a settler/colonial reality (Donovan to facilitate– Reserve 107 Video)

Seeds Camping May Long Weekend, May 18-21 @ St. Malo – Book your own campsite…let’s try for Bay 11…or your favourite spot. St. Malo reservations begin on April 4 @ 7 am. To book your site, use the following link: reservationsNot a camper? Come for the day, either Saturday or Sunday, bring your own food for the day. There will be no formally organized times during this weekend but we hope the weekend will lend itself to times of connections, play, laughter and rest. Questions or comments? Contact Joan by email or call 204-324-4469.