Fall Grab & Run – Friday, Oct. 5, 3-5 pm & Saturday, Oct. 6, 10-11am. Invite neighbours, family & friends who could benefit from free clothing and household items. Free hotdogs & drinks available.
Time to clean out your closets or storage rooms. Please bring gently used clothing and small household items for the Grab & Run Event to the eXchange. Please drop off in coat room or Seeds office.
Wed., Oct. 3, 1pm and/or 7 pm – Grab & Run Set up: Come for an hour or more either at 1 pm or at 7 pm. This is a great service to do as a cell group
Fri, Oct. 5, 3-5pm – Grab & Run Event – we need help with refolding clothes, organizing tables, welcoming people
Sat, Oct. 6, 10:30-11:30am — Grab & Run Clean up – need help with cleanup of tables and vacuuming
Sat, Oct. 6, 10:30-11:30am — Grab & Run Clean up – need help with cleanup of tables and vacuuming
Please let Wendy know when you can volunteer or if you have any questions…Wendy Klippenstein cell: 204-324-3032 or email deanandwendy@gmail.com