My plan for week 1: Read the daily scripture passage with my family every day. Use the SOAP method to generate discussion around the breakfast or dinner table.
What actually happened: My boys and I did this one morning at breakfast. Just one of the boys and I did it 2 more mornings and Curt (my husband) did it with one boy one evening. I did it alone one morning.
Failed plan? On the surface it looks like it. What happened beneath what actually happened:
– Each person in our family read their Bible at least once this week.
– There are at least 2 Bibles within ready reach in our house right now.
– Both our boys found all of the passages without help each time they read.
– I had the opportunity to pray and surrender my plan and ask God for HIS plan. It was as simple as praying “God, in my opinion, I don’t think my plan worked very well this week. Show me where you were in spite of me trying to control things. What is YOUR plan? I want to follow it!”
Candice Letkeman
Candice is married to Curt and is the leader of the iPray team at Seeds Church.