Opportunity to serve!

Opportunity to serve!
As most of you know, Menno Friesen, husband of Jolanda and father to Curwin, father-in-law to Jill, grandpa to Liam, Simon & Sophie and friend to many of us, passed away last weekend. Funeral service is on Monday, June 18, 2 pm at the MEC in Altona. Instead of a traditional funeral lunch the family is planning a fish-fry or BBQ meal after the funeral service for people who attend the funeral with the hopes of raising money for Altona Community Foundation which was very near and dear to Menno’s heart.
So, the family needs people to help make that happen. I am asking you to consider helping out on Monday either from 1-4 pm or 4-7pm, or if you can stay for both time slots, even better. The details are still being worked out but here is what I know so far…the first shift would help with fish frying or BBQ’ing and other food prep and the 2nd shift would finish up the serving of food plus help with clean up.
Please let Joan Funk know joanfunk@mymts.net or 204-324-4469 if you can help out in any way and let me know what time slot you are available. Feel free to pass this along to anyone you may know who might want to help in this way.