Steve Heinrichs arrested in Burnaby, BC – MC Canada Indigenous-Settler Relations coordinator Steve Heinrichs was arrested in BC. The Canadian Mennonite has written an article describing the events leading to his arrest and the motivations leading to his actions.
Note from KathyG on Women’s Day and sixpointeight – 70 women from across the MCM community will gather on Sat, April 28 for the Mennonite Women Manitoba Day for Women, entitled; Resilience Road; Struggle, Steps and Strategies. We are thrilled that Dr. Moira Somers is providing guidance and input for this gathering. We are encouraged that participants come from a wide variety of MCM congregations and age wise span six decades.
There will be over 40 MCM youth taking in the sixpointeight:equipping peacemakers gathering this Sun, April 29 held at CMU. Joining together with other Anabaptist youth from across Manitoba, we are anticipating an incredible day of engagement/inspiration/formation. The day includes: worship, multiple Ted-style talks, circles of conversation, displays, lunch catered by the Feast restaurant and celebration of the Good News of Jesus. We covet your prayers on Sunday morning.
17th Annual Birding Retreat at Turtle Mountain Bible Camp, May 24-27th (Koinonia is unavailable this spring). Key activities: birding around camp, a visit to Whitewater Lake, and worship times. Choose an early startThursday evening and spend all-day Friday on a special trip to the Melita/Pierson area. Dennis Fast, well-known birder and photographer and Heidi den Haan, biologist and birder will be leading us in sessions on birding. More info to come.
Camps With Meaning – Campers still welcome! Some of our weeks are filling up, but there is still plenty of room for campers of all ages to experience God, community and creation at Koinonia and Assiniboia this summer. Head to to register today!