Lenten Pilgrimage Event facilitated by Steve Bell – MCM Leadership Ministries is hosting a Lenten retreat on Tuesday, April 2, 9:00pm-4:00pm at Camp Assiniobia. This event is for anyone on a spiritual pilgrimage with Christ and who seeks to remember the journey of the cross during this Lenten season. Steve Bell will facilitate the day. Cost is $50. Visit the event page on the MCM website to register.
Sign up for the weekly MCM and MC Canada email update – This is your best place to learn about what’s going on with your ministry through MC Manitoba and MC Canada. www.mennochurch.mb.ca/2019/01/sign-up-for-the-mcm-mc-canada-update/
Manitobans for Bill C-262; Supporting Indigenous Human Rights – Come show your support for Bill C-262; an act to ensure that Canada’s laws are in harmony with the United Nations Delcaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Join host Steve Bell, Member of Parliament Romeo Saganash, musicians Fred Penner and Ray “Coco” Stevenson and a great group of panelists on March 26, 7-9 pm @ Marpeck Commons, Canadian Mennonite University.