Please pray for Bethel Mennonite Church as they live into the inclusive welcome of Jesus and serve those in the extended community around them. From their website: Recognizing that we are all treaty people, with gratitude we acknowledge our gathering on Treaty No. 1 land and the traditional homeland of the Métis Nation. Regardless of age, race, or sexual orientation, all are invited. Imitating the inclusive welcome of Jesus, we seek to be a community marked by the love of God. Sharing the peace of Christ, together we strive to reveal the realm of God in the world.
Shake: Rattled by the Radical, July 28- August 1, 2019 at Shekinah Summer Camp, SK – what you need to know! Cost: $375/person. Travel subsidies and sponsor discounts available before the early-bird registration deadline: April 26, 2019. Final registration deadline: May 31, 2019. Our days will include: Biblical reflection and storytelling, shared meals, activities and play, special guests, and more! Visit for full details and registration.
Bring a new friend to camp and receive a free night in an Oak Grove Cabin!