Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

Mennonite Church Manitoba Update

What in the world is The Menno Office? Come find out about this U of M based ministry at the Inter-Mennonite Chaplaincy Association Annual General Meeting on Wed, Nov. 21 at 12:00 at Fort Garry Mennonite Fellowship (150 Bayridge). Lunch will be served.

Voices Together Hymn Sing. Join Henry Engbrecht, Paul Dueck and the Voices Together Ensemble in singing potential new songs for our new hymnal: Voices Together. Of course, we’ll sing a few old favourites too. Sat, Nov 17, 7pm, Morden Mennonite Church, and Sunday Nov 18, 7:00pm, Fort Garry Mennonite Fellowship, Winnipeg. Freewill offering for the Voices Together project will be received.

Shake: Rattled by the Radical – introducing our electrifying, ground-shaking theme for the all youth (gr. 6-12) gathering, July 28- August 1, 2019, at Shekinah Summer Camp, SK. Grounding ourselves in spiritual practices and the beauty of Shekinah, we will be invited to draw into deeper relationships with our Creator, and each other. Planned by MCM and MC Saskatchewan. Contact Kathy Giesbrecht,