Koinonia update 3
Our Gathering 2022 theme, “Shared Life: Together with God,” reflects the word koinonia found in 1 John 1:3. Koinonia speaks of “what we hold in common” as followers of Jesus, our “shared life” together. For example, when congregations share their financial resources with other congregations in need, as we do by pooling resources as Mennonite Church Manitoba for the support of all congregations, that’s koinonia (translated as “sharing” in Rom 15:26; 2 Cor 8:4; 9:13).
Visit the Gathering 2022 webpage for more info.
Congregational Care – Afternoon of Equipping – Breakouts coming together
The March 5 afternoon will feature 12 different breakout rooms over the course of the two hours; many of them have been confirmed. Visit the Event site to learn more and to register.
Congregational Care Teams, Ministerials, Deacons, Pastors, and Congregational Leaders are invited to participate in this online learning event.
Xplore: At the Intersection of Faith and Life.
A 55-Plus enrichment program, Xplore offers courses that investigate dimensions of the Christian faith, our world, and life in it. All without any assignments or examinations! Xplore happens in a six-week block, with online courses offered Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings, beginning March 1. Visit cmu.ca/xplore.
Sabbath Retreat March 24-26 at Camp Assiniboia. Laura Funk, Spiritual Director-in-Residence at MCM, will lead this time of rest and renewal for the season ahead. Info and registration at www.mennochurch.mb.ca/news
Join the Day of Action for a Just Transition: March 12 We need a Just Transition to a sustainable future which prioritizes Indigenous people and workers in the energy sector. Here’s an opportunity for churches to advocate for one. Gather a group, write a letter to your MP, deliver it to their office on March 12. Here’s a helpful toolkit: https://350.org/just-transition-day-of-action/ Questions? Contact Josiah Neufeld (jpaulneufeld@gmail.com) of the MCM Climate Action Working Group.
Join the Nationwide Virtual Choir for Mennonite Church Canada Gathering 2022. Instructions and files at www.mennonitechurch.ca/gathering2022 Submissions held open until March 1.
Mennonite Church Manitoba invites applications for the position of “Director of Leadership Ministries”. Visit the MCM website for job description. www.mennochurch.mb.ca/get-involved
MCM Annual Gathering 2022 – March 5. Delegates register through your church office. If you’re not a delegate, you’re still a welcome guest. Guests register on the webpage. www.mennochurch.mb.ca/events