Leaders of Mennonite Church Canada issue call to join in climate-emergency response

Leaders of Mennonite Church Canada are calling on the members, congregations and regional churches of Mennonite Church Canada to respond to the climate emergency. This document (available at www.mennonitechurch.ca/climate-action) includes six initiatives that “reflect our working commitments as a nationwide church.” Also included is a recommended reading list – https://www.commonword.ca/go/2809.
Mennonite Church Canada is hiring!
Mennonite Church Canada invites applications for the position of Financial Services and Office Assistant (1.0 FTE). This individual will work collaboratively with our finance team in our Winnipeg office, and help oversee office management services for Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church Manitoba. View the full job posting here: https://www.mennonitechurch.ca/get-involved#careers. Applications will be considered beginning Feb. 28, 2022. Start date negotiable.
Gathering 2022 virtual choir – submissions held open until March 1
Calling all singers! Join voices across the country in singing “Greater Things Than These,” a song commissioned for Gathering 2022 and written by Phil Campbell Enns. For the music and instructions on how to upload your recording visit https://www.mennonitechurch.ca/gathering2022
Creator’s Call in a Climate Emergency – special guest Seth Klein On Feb. 10, Author Seth Klein joined participants in our community learning series, Creator’s Call in the a Climate Emergency, to talk about his book A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency. A recording of the session is available on our YouTube channel: Creator’s Call in a Climate Emergency – Seth Klein. For info on the series, visit www.mennonitechurch.ca/community-learning-series.