God’s Green Church: Becoming a Creation Care Congregation

Wondering what to do about climate change and other environmental problems? This resource provides step-by-step ideas, resources, and links for congregations to take creation care action across the activities of church life. Created by senior environmental studies students at The King’s University in Edmonton, it is tailored to Mennonite Church Canada congregations, providing both short-term and long-term options, and linking to other Mennonite, faith-based, and Canadian environmental initiatives and resources. Available through CommonWord at www.commonword.ca/go/2610.
News Release here.
Pray for COP26 Climate Conference and Indigenous inclusion Indigenous peoples are on the forefront of both experiencing the devastating impacts of climate change, and resisting the drivers of global heating. As nation leaders gather in Glasgow, Scotland, (Oct. 31-Nov. 12), pray for Indigenous representatives as they struggle to make their way to the conference and have their voices heard. If COP26 is “our last best hope for the world to get its act together,” we need the most vulnerable to be centered as we go forward. Check out these links to learn more.
- The effects of climate change on Indigenous peoples: https://www.un.org/development/desa/indigenouspeoples/climate-change.html
- Indigenous Resistance Against Carbon: https://www.ienearth.org/indigenous-resistance-against-carbon/
- Indigenous Peoples can’t get to world’s ‘most inclusive’ climate conference: – https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgdqb3/indigenous-climate-activists-united-nations-cop26