MCC Manitoba welcomes applications for Communications Associate based in Wpg. Applications are accepted until Nov 2. For more info and to apply, visit For additional communication position openings with MCC Canada, visit
Learning Tour: Health and mental health in Haiti – Join us in April 2019 for a week-long opportunity to see MCC’s work in action in Haiti. This tour will have a special focus on health care, including responding to the cholera epidemic, trauma healing and MCC’s approach to disaster response. For more information visit or contact Brad Reimer at 204-261-6381.
Special Event: Strangers and Pilgrims – Thurs, Nov 8, 7 pm @ 159 Henderson Hwy, Wpg. Join author Kennert Giesbrecht with local and national MCC staff at Sam’s Place to learn about how Mennonites are changing landscapes in Latin America. For more event info, visit