Kanadiertreffen – August 19, 2018, 2:30 pm at Bethel Heritage Park, Winkler. Join us for a gathering of Low German speaking Mennonites emigrating from Latin America. The event will feature guest speaker Johan Hiebert, special music and children’s activities. Bring something to share for the potluck faspa, come and knack some zöt with us!
MCC Canada welcomes applications for Interim Associate Program Director (12-month term) based in Winnipeg. Applications are accepted until September 6. For more information and to apply, visit mcccanada.ca/interim-associate-program-director
MCC Manitoba Scholarship Fund – Application deadline is Sept. 30. Visit .http://mccmb.ca/studentawards for full criteria and to apply.
In Focus – “Hi, my name is Frida and I’m 20,” Frida Alzugaray jokes as she introduces herself to MCC Canada staff alongside 15 young adults from all over Canada. When she was asked by her pastor to take part in the Summerbridge program, Frida, aged 61, hadn’t realized the program targeted young people. Read about Frida’s experience as a Summerbridge volunteer.