Join a compassionate community of Manitobans helping to end hunger! Sponsor an acre of Manitoba farmland through Grow Hope to provide food and agricultural training for people in places like India and Haiti. Your gift will multiple with every $1 growing to as much as $5! Visit to learn more and join us.
A spring MCC golf yard sale will be held on May 13 and 14 at 7 Mercury Bay, Winnipeg. You are invited to donate golf clubs or other golf-related items that you no longer need. Donations may be dropped off at the Selkirk MCC Thrift Shop, Sargent MCC Thrift Shop or at 7 Mercury Bay. If you have questions call Ron or Connie Loeppky at 204-261-4949 or 204-296-4949. All proceeds will support the work of MCC.
We’re hiring! MCC Canada has position openings in finance, administration and IT. Visit for more information and to apply.