Psalm 119:65-72
This was a “lie facedown on the floor” kind of a reading for me today. After reading each line, I just sat and let the words soak in while somehow at the same time I was crying them back to God.
I don’t feel like I need to wonder why it was like that for me today, but I will interact with some of the “stuff” that came up as I read and sat. I’m going to trust that this is what the Holy Spirit has for me through the Word today. And my prayer is simply reading the passage out loud back to God.
I invite you to approach this passage similarly today. We just ask: “Jesus, what do you have for me as I read these words?” And then we give room for the Holy Spirit to speak through the scripture. We can read a sentence, and then wait a bit. What stirs in us? Then we read the next sentence, and wait a bit, and so on.
What stirs?