Scripture: Luke 10:25-37
I'm sure this religion scholar thought he was doing all he could to live in a God-pleasing way. He didn't anticipate being challenged by Jesus to look at how he lived. After all, as a scholar, he will have paid attention to all the smallest details of following the Law Code of the day. I think he felt pleased with how he lived, all the rules he kept.
Part of following those rules meant not to associate with certain kinds of people, Samaritans being one of those groups. The fact that Jesus used a Samaritan to teach about how to live will have been difficult for this religion scholar to hear.
In this parable, the priest and Levite both asked, "What is best for me?" Only the Samaritan asked what was best for the wounded stranger.
I find it interesting and challenging that this parable teaches that there are times when doing nothing is sin. How often do I ask the question along with the priest and Levite, "What is best for me?", when I should be asking, "What is best for others?". Self-protection has its place but there too many times when it's my default setting! I see myself doing exactly what the priest and Levite did.
Jesus, help my desire to show your love to be more prominent than my desire to self-protect. Amen!
Joan Funk
Joan is married to Cal and is on the Lead Team at Seeds as the Equipping Director.