Why only one?
Genesis 4 – Lectio Divina (Read, Reflect, Respond, Rest)
Before I read Genesis 4, I asked the question, “why only one?” I kept it in mind as I read the passage through once, then more slowly a second time.
I’m not sure I could sense a clear response to the question today. I think that’s okay. But there were a few things in the passage that I was drawn to and found interesting. I experienced deep emotion, I sensed tension, and I was brought to wondering, all within 26 verses. That’s pretty loaded. And I continued to hold the question: why only one?
I felt sad (and I mean really sad!) when I read verse 16: “Cain left the presence of God and lived in No-Man’s-Land, east of Eden.” How sad to leave the presence of God! I paused here, and sat with the feeling of sadness. {why only one?}
Further into the chapter, I found it interesting to note that 5 generations after Cain, Lamech is highlighted (verses 19-24). His family seemed to be the well-spring of prosperity, creativity and industry. But another murder is noted through Lamech’s confession to his wives. And with it the consequence of Lamech being avenged seventy-seven times. That is eleven times more than what was apparently pronounced upon Cain. So along with an ancestry that shines with positive pursuits, there is no shortage of pain, suffering and evil. {why only one?}
And the last thing that really struck me in my reading of this passage was verse 26 where it says “That’s when men and women began praying and worshiping in the name of God”. Nothing about why (unless there’s a connection that I’ve completely missed?!), but it only says when. I found that interesting. {why only one?}
I continue to pray and ask Jesus “why only one?” What is it about the parts of today’s passage that I was drawn to that speak to me about who you are Jesus, and who I am to you? I watch. I learn. I’m surrendered to your love to washing over me.
Candice Letkeman
Candice is married to Curt and is the leader of the iPray team at Seeds Church.