Join us for worship this Sunday, Feb. 18 @ 10:45 am when we continue the series…’Together: A theology…The Task’.
“The greatest disease facing humanity right now is a profound sense of disconnection.” Richard Rohr. This series will explore a theology of Connection. We feel a keen sense of separation, from God, from others, from ourselves, but we want to tune into the most ancient truth that we are forever joined together to God, and are never on the OUTSIDE of God’s love.
Communion – You will have an opportunity to come together around the table to share communion…the table is open to all!
Supervised Childcare (ages 3-6) is provided during the worship service after worship singing.
Children under age 3 are welcome to use the upstairs Nursery if accompanied by an adult.
Want to catch up on past worship services? Check out our teach archive.