iPray opportunity for SOAR Heartland
SOAR Heartland is coming up, March 24-Apr. 2! On Monday, March 28 the SOAR Heartland participants will be meeting with intercession teams in the evening at the host site, Fort Garry MB Church. These intercession teams will take 1.5 hours to pray for and with the participants to give them words of strengthening, encouragement, and comfort.
We need your help! We are looking to mobilize around 40 intercessors (or more!) so that we can break up into small groups and pray over all 230 participants at once. As intercessors, we will meet for dinner on Mon, March 28 @ 5:30pm at the church to go over the details and encourage each other, and then break into small groups from 6:30-8pm to pray with small groups of participants.
Would you be available to serve the SOAR community as an intercessor on that day? Please let me know if you’re available.
For more info on SOAR Heartland visit: http://www.mbmission.org/soar/heartland/overview
Feel free to email with any questions or clarifications. Thanks!

Contact Candice Letkeman ph. 204-324-1820 or email candice@seedschurch.ca