In Our Community

Fundraiser Coffee House for Seeds of Hope Africa Mission Team – Friday, Jan. 15, 7:30 pm at the eXchange with music by Bowen, Ally & Tanisha & Mike Wiebe. Free will offering.

Altona Gift & Thrift Shop – annual meeting on Mon., Jan. 25 @ 2 pm in EMM Church. Soup & Pie to follow.

Southern Manitoba Choral Society invites any and all singers to come and participate in its 59th spring season. Singers of all ages and skill level are invited to join us every Tuesday starting Jan 19th at 7pm in Altona in the W.C. Miller Collegiate music room. Come for an evening of fellowship and music making. Registration is $30/person. Concerts will be held in the middle of April. For more information you can contact Andrew Richert at (204) 324-6316 or at

MHC Gallery (600 Shaftsbury Blvd) – ‘The Alchemy of Life’ Jan. 29-Mar.26 with painter Margruite Krahn & composer Andrew Balfour and ‘Typoems’ with printmaker Norman Schmidt. Opening on Sunday, Jan. 31, 2:30 pm with live performance of the ‘Alchemy Ensemble’.