Eden Health Care Services – is offering a full day Lecture Series with the focus of ‘Supporting Children and Youth Experiencing Anxiety and Depression’ on Thurs., Oct 8. Three leading practitioners will offer their insights and wisdom. Dr. Andrew Hall is a psychiatrist at Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre (MATC), Terry Warburton is a therapist at Recovery of Hope (EHCS) and Dr. Larry Klassen is a psychiatrist at Eden Mental Health Centre. They will be presenting material intended to “Build Resilience and Hope”. This workshop will be of special interest to professionals, clinicians, educators, parents and others interested in supporting children and youth with mental health challenges. The admission has been set at a very low $30 per person in order that all who have an interest in these challenges can attend. The day begins at 8 a.m. with check-in, the lectures beginning at 9 a.m. with scheduled refreshment breaks and lunch included in the price. To register, see: “Upcoming Events” link on the Eden website –edenhealthcare.ca to register online or call 204-325-5355.
Canadian Mennonite University and Columbia Bible College are pleased to offer a significant financial bursary for students in ministry programs who complete multiple weeks of service with Mennonite Disaster Service. Please look for qualifications on the web sites of CMU, CBC or MDS.