In our community…

YFC Altona – The Station wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2015 !!! We also would like to offer thanks to all individuals and churches who partner with us through prayer and finances. If you are thinking of any year end giving we will be taking donation till 4 pm Dec 30, 2014. We need around 3,500.00 to meet budget this year. If you would like to partner with us please drop them off at The Station or mail them to 68 1st NW Altona, MB , R0G 0B1

Recovery of Hope – Dr. Gordon Neufeld will present his brand new material on “Children’s Emotions: Their Pivotal Role in Behaviour and Development”, a workshop for parents, educators, caregivers and anyone who works with children or youth, Saturday, February 21, 9-4 pm at the Access Event Centre, 111 Gilmour Street, Morden, MB. Sponsored by Recovery of Hope. Register at: Early Bird Fee: $69 (until Jan 23) $79 (after Jan 23). For more info: or