Gretna Bergthaler Church – Sunday, Sept. 30 7 pm you are invited to hear from Kerry Sanger-Harvey, the Mennonite Central Committee’s Indigenous Neighbours Program Coordinator. In light of the recent set up of the Spirit of the Buffalo Camp just outside Gretna, we have invited Kerry to come speak with us about the importance of reconciliation and how it connects with our faith as well as answer any questions we might have. We hope to see you there!
Steve Bell will be in Winkler for a solo concert at Winkler MB Church on Sept. 30 @ 7 pm. This is a fundraising event for Pregnancy Care Centre in Winkler. Tickets will also be available at the Co-op Gas Bars in Winkler and Morden, in addition to the Pregnancy Care Centre.
Rhineland Area Food Bank FCC (Farm Credit Canada) Drive Away Hunger – Altona & Area Youth groups will be collecting perishable food items on Wed., Oct. 3, 6-8:30 pm. Items most wanted: Kraft Dinner, Canned Veggies, Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Cereals, Peanut Butter, Canned meat & fish, canned fruit & rice…and please, no items past expiry date!
Stories from Syria – Tuesday, Oct. 9, 7 pm @ the eXchange. Come hear Rahaf Abdo about her current work in Syria. Co-hosted by MCC and Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Please RSVP or 204-261-6381
Eden Health Care Services – presents a Lecture series ‘Faces of Homelessness, Discover the Hidden Homeless in our Communities’ on Wed., Oct. 10. Registration begins at 8 am, presentations 9am-4pm. For more info or for tickets go to
Gardens On Tenth – You are invited to attend The Gardens on Tenth Annual General Meeting on Thurs, Oct 18 at 7 PM in The Gardens MPR. Your board representative will be looking for delegates to represent your church so please talk to him/her if you are interested.
Tim & The Glory Boys present The Buffalo Roadshow – Sunday, Oct. 21 at Winkler EMMC (600 Southview Dr.). Doors open @ 6:30 pm. For more info call the venue 204-325-7667 or visit