YFC Altona Dessert Fundraiser – Tuesday, March 4, 7 pm at the eXchange. If you are interested in hosting a table or attending please call Larry Reimer 204-324-7280 or email yfcaltona@mymts.net
Mennonite Collegiate Institute presents 'Godspell' – Musical based on the Gospel of Matthew, March 13, 14 & 15, 7:30 pm with Dinner Theatre available on Mar. 15, 6 pm. Tickets for show Adults $20/$16, students (under 18) $10/$8. Tickets for Dinner Theatre Adults $35/$32, students (under 18) $23/$21. Call MCI 204-327-5891 for tickets.
Altona & District Palliative Care – 6 week Grief Counselling sessions available Tuesdays 7-9 pm, March 18-Apr. 22 in the Altona Hospital Multipurpose Room. Presenter: Rick Rockwood. Space is limited so please register with Ruth Schroeder 204-324-2358.
Providence Public Lecture – "Rereading C.S. Lewis Fifty Years after His Death" by Michael Gilmour on Sat., Mar. 15, 7 pm at South Central Library, Winkler. Free admission. More info call 204-433-7488 ext. 272 or www.ProvidenceUC.ca