YFC Altona Dessert Fundraiser – Tuesday, April 4 @ 6-9pm @ the eXchange. Come and see and hear what the past year has been filled with at The Station. And what our future holds! We want you to be a part of The Station and attending the dessert night is a great way to learn more about our ministry! Click for more info.
Adult and Teen Challenge of Southern MB invites all men, young and old, to our 1st annual Men’s Breakfast on Sat., Apr. 8 @ 8:30 am…doors open at 8 am @ Quality Inn Banquet Hall, 851 Main St., Winkler. For tickets ($10) call Chris Derksen 204-332-1932 or online tickets
Tim Neufeld & the Glory Boys – Worship Hoedown at EMMC Altona on Sat., Apr. 8. A bluegrass inspired night of music and joy…beards, banjos, and blessings. It’s community and fellowship for the whole family! Tickets
Eden Foundation – ‘In Harmony for Hope’ free concert with Prairie Singers and Winkler Community Male Choir @ Emmanuel Mennonite Church on Sunday, Apr. 9 @ 7 pm. Offering goes to support Eden Health Care Services.