Rhineland Empty Stocking Fund – Volunteers needed this Saturday, Dec 17 @ 9 am to deliver the Christmas hampers to the recipients. Meet at the former Sawatzky Furniture building across the street from the East Altona Mall parking lot.
Drop off financial donations at Rexall Drugs in the Altona Mall, Access Credit Union – Gretna, Altona or Plum Coulee locations, or mail to: Rhineland Empty Stocking Fund, Box 2255, Altona, MB R0G 0B0
Faith & Life Choirs – ‘Sing we now of Christmas’ concerts on Sat., Dec. 17, 7 pm at Bethel Mennonite Church , Wpg. and Sun., Dec. 18, 3 pm at Emmanuel Mennonite Church, Winkler.
Service Opportunity – Volunteers needed to provide morning devotions at Gardens on Tenth Apartments weekdays at 9:15-9:30 am; you can volunteer once a week or every other week. Contact Chaplain at 204-324-2376 or 204-324-3675.